
Wilsonville, Oregon

Wilsonville boasts a blend of relaxing parks and cozy neighborhoods, creating an ideal setting to call home. However, pests aren’t far behind, ready to cause their fair share of trouble! From rodents sneaking indoors to ants infiltrating your home, these unwelcome guests can quickly disrupt the peace of Wilsonville living.
With our team of dedicated experts and years of experience, we provide tailored pest control solutions designed to meet the specific needs of Wilsonville residents. If you’re struggling with a persistent pest threat, call Kanga Pest Control today!
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Residential Pest Control In Wilsonville, OR

When you choose Kanga Pest Control for residential pest control, you're not just hiring a service– you're gaining a trusted pest control partner.

We kick off every service with a detailed assessment of your property, looking inside and out for potential entry points and problem areas. Then, we craft a tailored treatment plan using cutting-edge pest control tech and eco-friendly methods for lasting results.
Our ongoing services include regular treatments focused on eliminating pests, clearing away webs, resetting traps, and conducting thorough inspections. With Kanga Pest Control on your team, you can enjoy pest-free living all year round.
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Commercial Pest Control In Wilsonville, OR

In Wilsonville, businesses know that a pest-free space is crucial for their reputation and customers’ well-being. No matter if you're running a restaurant, school, warehouse, or apartment complex, pests can wreak havoc on your operations and finances if not dealt with swiftly.

Kanga Pest Control specializes in tailored commercial pest control solutions that suit your business’s needs. Our comprehensive services cover everything from thorough inspections to customized treatment options, all backed by our pest-free guarantee.

Prevent Stinging Insects in Wilsonville, Oregon

Stinging insects can transform your yard into a buzzing nightmare– those pests can be a real buzzkill! To keep these pests from setting up camp in your lawn and posing a threat to your family, here are some handy tips:
Tidy Up Your Lawn: Keep your grass trimmed and bushes pruned to discourage insects drawn to overgrown greenery.
Ditch the Standing Water: Say goodbye to puddles, bird baths, and clogged gutters to eliminate water sources that attract stinging insects.
Seal Entry Points: Block potential insect entryways by sealing up cracks, gaps, and holes in your home’s exterior.
Tone Down the Sweet Scents: Skip the sweet-smelling candles and perfumes when hanging outdoors to avoid drawing in unwanted guests.
Plant Pest-Repellent Plants: Sprinkle some insect-repelling plants like marigolds, citronella, and lavender into your garden to naturally keep bugs at bay.
Secure Trash Bags: Make sure your outdoor trash cans have snug lids and regularly empty compost bins to avoid turning them into bug magnets.
Contact Kanga: Consider bringing in the experts at Kanga Pest Control to assess your property and tackle any stinging insect hotspots with precision treatments.

Kanga Is Your Go-To Pest Pro in Wilsonville, OR!

When you need help keeping your home pest-free in Wilsonville, OR, Kanga Pest Control is your trusted partner! With our expert team and practical solutions, we’re here to tackle any pest problem, big or small.
Our approach is simple yet effective: we combine industry-leading techniques with a personalized touch to deliver results that exceed expectations. Whether you’re dealing with an existing infestation or looking to prevent one in the future, we’ve got you covered.
With Kanga Pest Control on your side, you can say goodbye to pests and hello to a clean, comfortable, and pest-free home. Reach out to us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you reclaim your space from unwanted intruders in Wilsonville, OR!
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Ready for pest control that goes beyond the basics? Reach out to Kanga today and experience the expertise of industry leaders.