What Portland Property Owners Ought To Know About Yellowjackets

August 14, 2020

It’s an annual problem: when the weather warms up, the flying pests come out in force. Yellowjackets are some of the nastiest stinging wasps out there, and an infestation on your property can mean more than just a buzzing nuisance. Knowing how to spot and prevent yellowjackets can help you stay safe from their pesky stings.

What Portland Property Owners Ought To Know About Yellowjackets

What Are Yellowjackets?

Yellowjackets are just one insect that makes up the term “wasp,” which covers stinging bugs from bees to hornets. Unlike bees, yellowjackets don’t die after stinging people or animals, making them far more aggressive and territorial than other wasp varieties. Here are some of their traits and behaviors, so you know what to look out for:

  • Color: Yellowjackets look like oversized bees, with the same yellow and black striped appearance. Unlike bees, yellowjackets aren’t fuzzy, making them poor pollinators.
  • Shape: Yellowjackets are flying bugs, meaning they have a pair of large, film-like wings on their backs. They have six legs, which hang far down while in flight.
  • Nests: Yellowjackets don’t nest in the same hive numbers as bees, but they will build nests in areas around your property if they provide shelter and easy access to food and water. Their papery nests are often found in corners or crevices, like cover provided by trees and roofs.

The Risks & Benefits Of Yellowjackets

While yellowjackets are harmful pests, they actually can benefit the environment at large. Their status as top predators in the insect world is important because they prey on the types of bugs that are terrible for crops: aphids, caterpillars, worms, and crickets, to name just a few. While yellowjackets themselves aren’t great pollinators, some varieties do feed on pollen and help spread plant populations far and wide.

However, just because yellowjackets can be good doesn’t mean they are good for your property. Their stings can quickly pile up if a population moves in, and the venomous compound found in their stingers can cause allergic reactions just like bees. You don’t want to take the chance of someone encountering these flying pests, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Yellowjacket Prevention 101

Preventing stinging wasps on your property is about protecting your property from all kinds of pests. Since yellowjackets prey on other bugs, an existing pest infestation can be an attractant for larger, scarier bugs. Here’s what you can do around your property to get ahead:

  • Landscaping: Bugs of all kinds like the shade and shelter that overgrowth provides. Long grasses and bushy hedges provide landing pads for flying bugs looking for a place to rest. Overgrown trees provide ample spaces for wasp nests to form.
  • Moisture control: Water around your yard is one of the biggest attracting factors for pests, which need water to survive. Pools or puddles, even artificial water features like birdbaths, can be magnets for wasps and the bugs they feed on.
  • Lawn treatment: By partnering with your local pest professionals, you can get year-round or seasonal protection from all kinds of invasive pests.

Play It Safe, Call The Pros

Rather than risk the painful stings and encroaching colonies of yellowjackets, it’s best to turn to the experts for yellowjacket control. Not only is this the safest way to inspect for wasps or the signs of their nests, but our helpful staff can provide you with even more prevention tips or assistance. Whether yellowjackets are already a concern or you just want to look into proper prevention, Kanga Pest Control has you covered.

Don’t let yellowjackets invade your yard, call Kanga for complete protection you can trust.



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