Here in Oregon, it can be tough to get rid of spiders. Indeed, spiders are a feature of just about every ecosystem on Earth, so dealing with them is something every Albany pest control enthusiast will likely have to do at some point. Fortunately, spiders are not like many other pests in the sense that they don’t have an intrinsic motivation to come into our homes. There’s nothing they want from us except the existing infestations in our dwellings. That means getting rid of other infestations can help you get rid of spiders.

Characteristics Of Common Spiders
We’ve got lots of different types of spiders here in Oregon, from hobo spiders and wolf spiders to brown recluses, black widows, and more. The good news is most of the spiders you will encounter in your home are harmless spiders. Of course, all types of spiders are venomous, but that doesn’t mean they can hurt you. Unless you’re bitten by a brown recluse or a black widow, you only have to worry about some pain and swelling around the site of the bite.
Aside from being venomous, all the spiders you’ll encounter in your home also have a few other things in common. They’re all arachnids, so they’ll have eight legs and two body parts. And they also all hunt live prey, though the ways they go about it can be different. Some spiders, like the wolf spider, actively stalk prey. While other spiders, like garden spiders, weave webs to ensnare prey.
How And Why Spiders Come Inside
Spiders don’t eat anything we do. The only thing that they eat is the liquefied innards of live prey. This means they will never come into our homes for our food as many other pests do.
If you see an uptick in spider activity, the reason is likely that you have another pest infestation. Common pests that attract spiders include roaches, flies, ants, silverfish, and other small invertebrates they like to eat. Some of these pests are very good at going undetected, so the fact that you’re not seeing them doesn’t mean they’re not around. If you start seeing more spiders around, you need to start looking for signs of other pests that could be attracting them.
Six Easy And Effective Spider Prevention Tips
There aren’t many effective DIY ways to kill spiders. That means keeping them away from your property in the first place is the best thing you as a homeowner can do to protect yourself. To do this, take measures like:
- Cover indoor and outdoor trash cans at all times.
- Store pantry foods that could attract spider prey in airtight containers.
- Take care of moisture problems that could attract spider prey.
- Sweep away spider webs wherever you find them to encourage spiders to move on.
- Seal up potential entryways into your home against both spiders and their prey.
- Declutter to reduce spider and prey hiding places.
If these prevention measures don’t work, you’ll likely need professional spider control to deal with both the initial prey infestation and the subsequent spider invasion.
Professional Pest Control Is The Best Spider Control
As we said above, getting rid of spiders is not something homeowners can usually do themselves. Not many sprays on the market are effective against spiders, and sticky traps typically don’t put much of a dent in their numbers. This means the best thing you can do for a serious spider infestation is call the pros here at Kanga Pest Control. Our experts have all the latest tools and techniques to get rid of both spiders and the prey that’s attracting them.