A Useful Guide To Effective Wasp Prevention And Control For Portland Properties

April 16, 2024

As summer approaches, wasp season is also on the mind of Portland property owners. Wasp activity noticeably increases as wasps build their nests and hunt for food. Wasps certainly look menacing, but are they dangerous? What are the dangers of a wasp infestation?

This guide to wasp prevention and control will answer all of these questions. You’ll learn to identify common wasps around your property and how to prevent wasps from taking over. Of course, the best way to stop wasps is to call the Portland pest control experts at Kanga Pest Control to eliminate wasps and remove their nests safely.

A Useful Guide To Effective Wasp Prevention And Control For Portland Properties

Characteristics Of Common Wasps

Bees and wasps are often confused with each other. However, wasps have narrow lower abdomens that come to a point, and the “waist” of the wasp separates the thorax and abdomen. There are some 30,000 species of wasps in existence, but only some are found locally.

Homeowners may encounter several common kinds of wasps in the state, including:

  • Cuckoo wasps: These are very showy wasps and look like they’ve been dipped in rainbow glitter. However, these wasps are no bigger than a small house fly. They’re known to invade other nests and roll up like armadillos to protect themselves from stings and eviction.
  • Paper wasps: The European paper wasp made its way to the state a few decades ago and mostly displaced the native paper wasp. You may find paper wasps preying on other insects in the garden. Paper wasps can grow up to 3/4 of an inch and are brown with yellowish markings.
  • Mud daubers: A mud dauber wasp is often black with a metallic sheen or other subtle markings. A thread-like waist distinguishes the mud wasp, and these wasps range from half an inch to an inch in size. You’re more likely to see them collecting mud to build their nests near a small pool of water.
  • Yellow jackets: These wasps have a black and yellow color pattern and range between 3/8 and 5/8 of an inch. Yellow jacket queens build their nests in late spring. Yellow jackets are known to be curious about picnics and prey on other insects alike. Though they look similar to bees, yellow jackets are classified as a type of wasp.

Each type of wasp has a unique way of deciding where to build its nest and what they do inside. However, the most important thing about spotting a wasp nest is noting if it’s active or not. This can indicate a possible infestation, depending on its proximity to your property.

The Potential Dangers Of A Wasp Infestation

Stinging insects like wasps are usually most active in the summer to the start of early fall when their colony numbers peak. Not all stinging insects are aggressive, but wasps will defend their hives and lives if disturbed.

Wasp stings pose a considerable threat to those who may be allergic to them. Wasp venom is meant to paralyze its prey, and it can be potent enough to trigger an allergic reaction in people. It can be slight, such as swelling and pain at the sting site; however, it can be worse. The venom could trigger anaphylaxis, in which multiple areas of the body swell and redden. Your eyes, lips, hands, and feet swell, as well as the bite area. You could start wheezing or experience nausea or abdominal pain. You can quickly lose consciousness, and your life may be in danger. Visit the emergency room immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.

Five Naturally Effective Wasp Prevention Tips

Wasp prevention in Portland is essential to mitigate the potential dangers of a wasp infection. Here are five ways to naturally keep wasps away from your property:

  1. Seal and caulk entry points from the outside, including cracks in the foundation or walls.
  2. Install weatherstripping along gaps in doors and windows.
  3. Keep garden beds and wood piles several yards from the home.
  4. Place a cap on chimneys to prevent nests.
  5. Remove debris and overgrown vegetation from the yard.

It’s also a good idea to eliminate access to potential water sources, such as your gutters. A well-maintained property is less likely to experience an infestation.

Contact Us For The Best Wasp Control For Your Yard

Portland pest control services are the most effective defense against wasp infestations. Preventive measures to seal entry points and remove debris are helpful steps to mitigate the issue, but the best way to get rid of wasps in Portland is to call the professionals at Kanga Pest Control. Our experts will safely remove nests and apply effective treatment solutions to ensure your wasp problem doesn’t return. Contact us today for a free consultation.


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